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By Nathan Tech!
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ships help: finding and moving to objects
There are several different ways to move about in space while on your starship, each one with benefits and drawbacks.This help file lists them all, along with things to be aware of and how to scan when in space.
Contents:1. setting course
2. moving about
3. instant jumps
4. moving sectors
5. Autostop
6. scanning and looking for objects
7. Full list of commands.
8. Watch out!
1. Setting a course.
1.1, the course command:Type course
1.2: move.Move is like an autopilot. To use move:
1. Type slots add.
2. Select the object.
3. Type move and select the object again.
4. Await your arrival!
Note: a ship is allowed 10 slots, unless you donate. This is why, after adding, and moving too, a slot, you may want to remove it with the slots remove command.
1.3: chaseThis requires the chasing upgrade.
Some things, such as planets, just won't stay still!
It is often wise, therefore, to chase them. The chasing upgrade simply adjusts your destination each second to match where the object is. You can chase anything that has an x y and z coordinate.
Simply type chase followed by the objects name.
2. Actually moving.
Setting a course is just the first step in actually getting somewhere.2.1: Speed engines.
Your speed engines can go up to 1 unit per second at a maximum and work on a 40 base system.
What this means is, to start moving on thee engines, type speed followed by a number between 1 and 40.
40 being the fastest.
For every second of realtime, the engines move you, at speed 40, 1 unit on the x, one unit on the y, and one unit on the z coordinate.
2.2: warp engines.The faster, better way of moving around, warp is like a sports car verses a bicycle when compared to speed.
It is on a 15 base system, meaning you type warp then a number from 1 to 15 to move along.
Warp 15 moves you fifteen units per second on the x, y and z coordinates.
3. Instant jumps:
There are several types of instant jumps on the game. Instant jumps are where your starship uses one of several means to get from point a to point b in a very short amount of time.Table showing command, what it does, causes and requirements:
thrusters: thrusts your ship forward a little on its course, requires rocket fuel
gravjump, moves your ship from point a to point b, requires you to put defensive shields up to 900, otherwise you take damage. Can only be performed once every ten minutes.
suba*tomic, jumps your ship from point a to point b, requires the upgrade and subatomic fuel. Time ranges depending on distance.
4. Jumping sectors:
Unlike any other space moo to our knowledge, Cosmic Rage has a unique jumping system called rifting.In rifting, satellites that orbit a planet are rotated against the spin of the planet, creating a gravity well.
The ship moves into this well and is shot, rather quik, through space.
how far it gets depends on the ships jump range, and how long it takes is dependant on your rifting skill.
the system uses objects, as that is what it jumps on, to catalogue where you want to go.
For example, if I wanted to go to sector 1, I could type plan 1. Alternatively, I might type plan earth, to get to earth, which is in sector 1.
To see what numbers correspond to what planet or space station, type secjump.
To jump to a place, type plan
5. Autostop
When you get a little higher up in the game, you'll go into uncharted space. At some point you may not want to enter fields, or may want to stop in only a specific field.For this, you have autostop. Type autostop to use it.
6. Scanning for objects.
Scanning for objects is done in two ways:6.1: Autoscan.
Type autoscan to toggle it.
You can also type filter to filter the information it will give you.
This tells you a summary of the sector you are in automatically when things about it change, or enter/exit your sensor range.
You can force it to do a scan with the ss command.
For ryuchi, they can use ssl, rather than ss.
6.2: Scanning.
Scanning is done with the scan command.
You have over 18 different types of scanner on your ship, some of which you may never use.
Each scan is for a different type of celestial body or object.
Scan allows you to look in detail at an object.
You can give arguments to scan, such as scan ship, to skip to the scanning ships menu.
Ships, planets and space stations have descriptions, for added immersion.
7. Full list of commands:
course: set your coursespeed: use the speed engines
warp: use the warp engines
quantum: use your quantum engines. Note: Moves twice as fast as warp and thus uses more fuel.
thrusters: use your thrusters
slot: use your slots
move: use the moving navigation
eta: check how long till you get to a destination
suba*tomic: use the subatomic drive
subtime: check how long until you can use the subatomic drive
cool-suba: Cool down your subatomic drive using liquid nitrogen. If you have it.
gravjump: use the gravjump system
gravtime: check how long until you can use a gravjump
gc: checks your galactic coordinates.
coords: checks your local coordinates
plan: jump to a sector
auto/manual: toggle between automatic and manual modes. See help using manual mode for more info.
amu: use the automatic movement unit, if you have it. Works on a similar system as a combination of manual and move.
sector: see what sector you are in
fuel: read the fuel readouts
dest: see where the ship is headed
estimate: estimate how long it will take you to get somewhere
8. Watch out!
When moving in space, a number of dangerous things could happen:8.1: ratika could come and attack your ship. See shelp rats.
8.2 You could hit a star! Be very, very vigilant for stars. Stars are huge balls of gas that, should you drift near, will drag your ship into them and blow you up. It requires warp to escape a stars pull and even then it is very difficult. Your autoscan will alert you if a star is nearby, and you can type scan star to scan for one. When typing look, you may also see a star through your windows. This does not necessarily mean it is nearby, just that one is in the sector.
There is a section on the info computer that contains the current sectors of stars
useful tips:
While gravjump and subatomic are very similar, there are some notable differences. Gravjump will shutdown your ship's power. For this reason it's not advisable to gravjump close to planets or stars. It is particularly useful, however, for traveling long distances. Subatomic will not kill your ship's power systems, however, the cool down time is directly related to the distance you travel with it, so there could be times when gravjump will actually cool down faster than subatomic.If you scan an object, for example, a space station, you can then immediately type course last to have your course automaticly set to it.
Recommended help files: shelp Making rocket fuel to power your thrusters,shelp The planetary rifting system,shelp The warp engin.
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